Surgery Support Protocol
Mar 06, 2021
Here are some diet and nutrition recommendations I learned from my functional medicine doctor to help support your body both before and after surgery.
Please remember, the below information is not medical advice, I am sharing what I do after lots of research and working in partnership with my doctor. I encourage you to reach out to your surgical team and follow their advice regarding preparing for surgery.
14 days prior to surgery:
Diet: Avoid tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, simple sugars, and saturated fats.
I would also personally recommend removing gluten, dairy, and refined sugar, as these are highly inflammatory foods that can impact your healing.
Make sure you are drinking lots of water to keep your body hydrated both before and after surgery. Take your body weight, divide it by 2, and that is how many ounces of water you should be drinking per day. I like to add a doTERRA citrus oil to my water, like grapefruit, tangerine, or wild orange, to not only make it taste amazing, but to also give my body an antioxidant boost.
Nutritional Supplementation:
Vitamin C: 1000 mg twice daily with food. I like Dr. Mercola’s Liposomal Vitamin C.
Zinc (picolinate preferred): 30 mg twice daily with food. I like Pure Encapsulations’ Zinc.
“Researchers in Spain measured the preoperative blood levels of zinc and other nutrients in 97 patients who were to receive hemiarthroplasty for an arthritic, degenerated hip. They analyzed various nutritional parameters with respect to how quickly the body healed from surgery. There was a highly significant relationship between serum zinc levels and delayed healing in the postoperative period: patients with low zinc levels (below 95 mcg/dL) were 12 times more likely to have delayed healing compared to patients with normal blood levels. Simply getting enough zinc can support better healing if you’re facing surgery for bone fractures and probably for other types of surgery as well.” - From the book “The Rapid Recovery Handbook”
7 days prior to surgery:
Continue Diet: Avoid tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, simple sugars, and saturated fats.
I would also personally recommend removing gluten, dairy, and refined sugar, as these are highly inflammatory foods that can impact your healing.
Make sure you are drinking lots of water to keep your body hydrated both before and after surgery. Take your body weight, divide it by 2, and that is how many ounces of water you should be drinking per day. I like to add a doTERRA citrus oil to my water, like grapefruit, tangerine, or wild orange, to not only make it taste amazing, but to also give my body an antioxidant boost.
Nutritional Supplementation:
Vitamin C: 1000 mg twice daily with food. I like Dr. Mercola’s Liposomal Vitamin C.
Zinc (picolinate preferred): 30 mg twice daily with food. I like Pure Encapsulations’ Zinc.
Homeopathic Medicine: Arnica 30c or higher, 2-3 doses. Arnica can help with pain, swelling, and bruising from trauma to an area. It’s a great tool to have before and after surgery. You can find it online or at the health food store.
The day of surgery:
Nutritional Supplementation: stop supplements on the day of surgery.
Homeopathic Medicine: Arnica 30c or higher, 2-3 doses. I start taking this as soon as possible after surgery.
Arnica can help with pain, swelling, and bruising from trauma to an area. It’s a great tool to have after surgery. You can find it online or at the health food store.
Day 1-14 after surgery:
Continue Diet: Avoid tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, simple sugars, and saturated fats.
I would also personally recommend removing gluten, dairy, and refined sugar, as these are highly inflammatory foods that can impact your healing.
Nutritional Supplementation:
Vitamin C: 1000 mg twice daily with food. I like Dr. Mercola’s Liposomal Vitamin C.
Zinc (picolinate preferred): 30 mg twice daily with food. I like Pure Encapsulations’ Zinc.
Good quality Multivitamin: I love and use dŨTERRA’s lifelong vitality pack (LLV). They are non-gmo, gluten and dairy-free, and come with a 30 day money back guarantee. Learn more about this trio by searching this hashtag on Instagram: #drlaurallv
Bromelain: It’s a mixture of enzymes found in pineapples that digest protein (proteolytic). Pineapple has been used for centuries to treat indigestion and reduce inflammation. It may reduce swelling, bruising, healing time, and pain after surgery and physical injuries. It is often used to reduce inflammation from tendinitis, sprains and strains, and other minor muscle injuries.
Fish Oil: Can have anti-inflammatory effects and reduce wound infections by∼50%. It can also reduce the incidence of adult respiratory distress syndrome and shortened hospital stay in surgical patients.
Homeopathic Medicine: Arnica 30c or higher, 2-3 doses. Arnica can help with pain, swelling, and bruising from trauma to an area. It’s a great tool to have before and after surgery. You can find it online or at the health food store.
Essential oils are a huge tool that supported my healing after surgery. From post-op pain, to nausea, to scars, to even emotional support, the oils helped me a ton! This is my favorite starter kit with the top ten oils and a diffuser that includes everything you need while healing from surgery. Plus, once you get started, we will set up a one on one call with me so I can walk you through exactly how to use these tools to help you recover from surgery faster.
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