Home Surgery Checklist & Reminders
Mar 03, 2021
I hope you found the previous hospital bag checklist blog helpful. Here are a few things that I have found to be super helpful to have on hand at home after hip surgery.
Here are my top favorite items to have at home after hip surgery:
* Raised toilet seat because getting up and down off a low toilet seat after hip surgery can be challenging. Make sure you check your toilet seat to know if you have a standard round or elongated toilet seat.
* Transfer Shower Bench so you can sit and rest when you need to because showering post-op takes a lot of energy.
* Rolling walker with tray table so you can carry things around that you can’t when using crutches.
* Ice (cryo) machine I used this one a which does both ice and compression for my legs and around the hip. Insurance used to cover these several years ago, but now you can rent or purchase them. See if you can find a friend or family member who has one you can borrow.
* Electric throw blanket because that ice gets cold after a while and it can help you feel more comfortable and cozy.
* Meals Frozen in the Freezer to have healthy meals on hand that my hubby could heat up for us. We really liked the Primal Kitchen Skillet meals from Thrive Market.
* Sock Aid can be a really handy tool especially if you do not have someone at home to help you put socks on after hip surgery.
* Long Handled Shoe Horn can also be a really handy tool to help you get your shoes on after hip surgery. Speaking of that, I have found having sneakers that you don't have shoelaces and you can slip into helps a ton as well.
* Grabbers can be helpful to pick up items off the floor after surgery. I was lucky and found several at our local Dollar Tree, but you can also order some on Amazon.
Are you traveling for surgery? Here’s a handy list with a few tips and ideas to look into before your surgery.
* Get a temporary handicap permit. You can look up the forms for your state and have your primary care doctor or surgeon’s office complete them for you. Do this a few weeks before your surgery so you can have the permits on hand after surgery.
* Rentals - ice machine, CPM, etc. See what items your insurance covers and reach out to a durable medical equipment company about a CPM. You might find an ice machine or other medical equipment to borrow from a friend or family member, at Goodwill, or available for purchase online.
* Rechargeable Portal Compression Pumps work great if you are traveling home after surgery.
* Call your insurance company to verify your benefits and that your surgeon and the facility are in-network.
* Schedule hotel/travel plans. Ask for handicap assistance on the plane on the way back home and request a shower chair and raised toilet seat or handicap room from the place you are staying at.
* Schedule PT evaluation for after your surgery so it’s on the books and ready for you.
* Hold your mail if traveling.
Essential oils are a huge tool that supported my healing after surgery. From post-op pain, to nausea, to scars, to even emotional support, the oils helped me a ton! This is my favorite starter kit with the top ten oils and a diffuser that includes everything you need while healing from surgery. Plus, once you get started, we will set up a one on one call with me so I can walk you through exactly how to use these tools to help you recover from surgery faster.
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